360° Reviews: What They Are and Why They’re Worth It

By:  Jojo Rita

360° Reviews are an excellent tool for every employee in your company to measure their performance and to provide detailed feedback to their managers, direct reports, and peers. 360° Reviews also give participants a chance to reflect on their own work performance. They generally consist of “a list of statements or questions that are organized into competency categories”[1] and a chance for survey participants to provide written feedback on each category. ILG Strategic Services’ cutting-edge methodology, for example, includes eight distinct categories by which to measure employee performance, collaboration, communication, and more. Written stakeholder comments are also an essential data tool that are analyzed in Reviews to provide nuance to numerated ratings. By compiling this diverse dataset, and rendering a comparative analysis, 360° Reviews provide an in-depth look into a given individual’s strengths and weaknesses across work contexts.

360° Reviews are scientifically proven[2] to be better received by those being evaluated, in contrast to top-down feedback from one’s manager (like in a traditional performance evaluation). By leveling the playing field, and allowing for input from all stakeholders, employees are more willing to integrate the positive and negative feedback about their performance into their future work. This not only improves individuals’ performance—it improves trust in your company and bolsters the company culture. The added effort to encourage stakeholders to participate in others’ 360° Reviews will be well worth it, considering the unparalleled quality and quantity of data about employee performance that these reviews provide.

Still want to get a better idea about 360° Reviews? Get in touch with ILG Strategic Services! We’ll be happy to explain our process, backed by decades of our cumulative HR experience.

[1] https://www.bamboohr.com/resources/hr-glossary/360-survey

[2] https://hbr.org/2001/01/getting-360-degree-feedback-right
